Preserved Posts

Preserved pointed posts

Large preserved posts

Preserved pointed posts

Preserved pointed posts
We sell a variety of posts for your fencing needs. All of our posts and rails are made from Lodgepole Pine. We carry pointed posts, set posts, and many other products.
Preserved, pointed, and capped fence posts come in many different sizes and diameters.The largest point that we can produce is 7".
We carry diameters ranging from 2 1/2" up to 10" and lengths from 6 1/2' to 30'.

Large preserved set posts

Inventory picture

Small set posts

Large preserved set posts
Set posts are used when a post driver cannot be used. We offer these in a variety of lengths and diameters as well.

Doweled preserved fence post

unpreserved inventory

Preserved inventory

Doweled preserved fence post
These are doweled pointed posts. That means that they have a uniform diameter from one end to the other. We have a select inventory of doweled treated pointed posts and set posts.
Our inventory is constantly changing so please call in for specific item availability.

Tree stakes

Tree stakes

Unpreserved gate sticks

Tree stakes
Tree stakes
Tree stakes are used to hold the root ball in place. This creates extra stability until the tree is anchored into the ground.
Gate sticks
2 1/2" x 4 1/2' Stick primarily used for wire gates. Marks-Miller also has a variety of other products that do not fit into these categories.